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Over 1,300 Essential Spanish Phrases for Travel, Business, and Everyday Conversations

Over 1,300 Essential Spanish Phrases for Travel, Business, and Everyday Conversations

Regular price €13,99 EUR
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Taxes included. Free Shipping. All earnings go to De Fryske Wrâld, a nonprofit organization, for preserving the Frisian language.

Having Trouble with Spanish? We Can Help!

Want to enjoy Spanish parties, eat yummy food, or chat with people who speak Spanish? This book isn't just about learning; it's your way into real Spanish life.

Why This Book Helps You Learn Spanish:

Studies say that using a language in everyday situations and getting to know the culture helps you learn it better. This book gives you phrases that real people use and stories about Spanish life.

What You'll Find in This Book:

✅ Many Useful Phrases: Over 1300 phrases for all sorts of talks, so you're ready for anything.
Your Guide to Spanish: Good for trips, making new friends, or learning about your family. This book helps you talk easily in any situation.
Quick to Find What You Need: Easy to look things up, so no wasting time flipping pages.
Wide Range of Topics: With phrases covering more than 40 topics, you’ll always find the right words for any situation.
For All Learners: If you're just starting or getting better, this book is for everyone.
Clear Pronunciation: Shows you how to say each phrase, making speaking Spanish easier and fun.
Feel Confident: Makes you more sure about using Spanish in daily life, on trips, and more.

Why This Book Is Great for You:

This isn't just another Spanish book; it's your start to learning Spanish in a way that's easy and fun. It's about really using Spanish in your life, not just studying it.

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  • Making Languages Accessible

    We believe in making languages easy to learn and accessible. While Frisian is our passion, we also want to help people learn other key languages like Dutch and English by providing helpful resources and learning tools.

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Elts boek dat wy meitsje, elts ferhaal dat wy fertelle, en elts wurd dat wy publisearje, is diel fan in gruttere ynspanning om de Fryske kultuer te behâlden. Mar wy kinne it net allinnich dwaan. Mei jo help kinne wy in echt ferskil meitsje.

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