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The History of Dragons: Myths, Truths, and Legacy

The History of Dragons: Myths, Truths, and Legacy

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Dragons. Their name alone stirs visions of grandeur, fear, and mystery. But where do these awe-inspiring creatures truly come from? In The History of Dragons, we delve into the roots of dragon mythology, unraveling tales from every corner of the globe. From the feathered serpents of Mesoamerica to the majestic imperial dragons of China, this book explores how dragons evolved from whispered legends into cultural icons that still ignite imaginations today.

Discover the dragons that guarded ancient treasures, wreaked havoc on medieval villages, and soared through the skies of modern fantasy literature. Unearth the science behind the myth—how fossils, volcanic landscapes, and human psychology may have shaped our enduring fascination. Journey through the realms of art, literature, and pop culture, where dragons take flight in modern media and continue to breathe new life into our collective storytelling.

The History of Dragons isn’t just a catalog of myths; it’s a reflection on what these mythical creatures say about us—our fears, our hopes, and our relentless pursuit of wonder. Whether you're a scholar, a fantasy enthusiast, or simply dragon-curious, this book will ignite your imagination and deepen your understanding of the fire-breathing legends that unite cultures across time.

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