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A Brief History of Soccer: From Ancient Ball Games to Global Phenomenon

A Brief History of Soccer: From Ancient Ball Games to Global Phenomenon

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Learn about the amazing story of soccer, the world's most popular sport, in "A Brief History of Soccer" This book tells the simple history of soccer, starting from ancient times to today. You'll read about early ball games like Cuju in China and Harpastum in Rome, and how soccer developed in medieval Europe, changing from rough street games to more organized play.

Discover important moments like the creation of formal rules in 19th century England, the start of the Football Association (FA) in 1863, and how rugby and soccer became separate sports. Follow soccer as it spread around the world with the help of British travelers, leading to early international matches and the creation of FIFA in 1904. Learn about the first World Cup in 1930 and how it made soccer even more popular.

Meet famous players like Pelé and Maradona, and learn about their impact on the game. Find out how playing styles and strategies have changed, how coaches have influenced the game, and how television and business have made soccer a huge industry. The book also talks about soccer's role in society, including its power to bring people together and its struggles with problems like racism and hooliganism.

Read about the history of women's soccer, from early challenges to the rise of professional leagues. Discover how new technologies like VAR and goal-line technology are changing the game. Finally, think about the future of soccer, from new markets to possible rule changes. "A Brief History of Soccer" is a great read for anyone who loves soccer.

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