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The History of the Vikings: The Epic Story of Norse Seafarers

The History of the Vikings: The Epic Story of Norse Seafarers

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The History of the Viking takes you into the rugged lands of Scandinavia, where the Norse rose from coastal villages and farmsteads to sail in sleek longships that reached distant shores. From their early raids on Lindisfarne to the founding of places like Dublin and the Danelaw, these determined seafarers traveled far beyond their homeland, settling in Iceland, exploring Greenland, and even venturing to Vinland in North America. This book reveals their daily life grounded in family bonds, strict law codes, and a commitment to honor, offering insight into the real world behind the myths and the mistakenly famous horned helmets.

Readers will uncover the pagan roots of Viking beliefs, focused on gods like Odin, Thor, and Freya, and follow their journey to Christianization and the rise of new kings in Norway, Denmark, and Sweden. It also highlights the archaeology, sagas, and runic sources that give us a closer look at their exploration, farming, and warfare, along with their part in shaping the Varangian Guard in Constantinople. This vivid account shows how the Norse left a deep imprint on Europe, blending courage and craft to become one of history’s most influential cultures.

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